0004 Analyze Relationships Among Ideas in Written Material
Draw Conclusions from Information Stated or Implied in a Passage
A passage often ends with a summary. This may include a clearly stated conclusion, but often it is not explicitly stated and must be drawn by the reader.
An implicit conclusion relies on the reader's ability to extend the meaning of an idea beyond the words, sentences, and paragraphs of a passage. As with inferences, this ability is sometimes referred to as reading between the lines. A logical conclusion depends on the reader assimilating the ideas of a passage and reaching a resolution or ending.
In order to draw conclusions, the reader needs to keep the main idea in mind as he/she progresses through the passage. Follow the logic of the author as the passage moves from one idea to another. If the passage ends without explicitly stating its conclusion, develop a statement that would naturally follow from the progression of ideas.
Read the paragraph below. What conclusion can be drawn from it? Click the "Next" button below when you are finished.
There is a problem with some email messages. Spam messages (advertising) and pornography have been widely criticized, but another type of unacceptable message may be classified as political propaganda. These messages circulate on the Internet with the intention of supporting a particular position or party, but there are no standards for quality. There are no barriers to the making of false claims or venomous personal attacks. The value of honest debate on the merits of an issue is often ignored. Writers of such messages get by with such commentaries because recipients normally do not voice objections to the circulation of false statements of fact or demeaning attacks on opponents. The country is not well-served by messages that depart from acceptable levels of civility, honesty, and decency. There are already steps underway to protect Internet users from Spam and pornography. Is this any different?