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0007 Role of Audience and Purpose
0008 Idea Development, Fluency, and Organization
Identify Organizational Methods
Effective and Ineffective Thesis Statements
Unnecessary Shifts in Point of View
Transitional Words and Phrases
0009 Writing that Effectively Communicates Intended Messages
0010 Apply Revision Strategies
0011 Standard Writing Conventions
Practice Writing Tests
0012 Prepare an Organized, Developed Composition

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0008 Understand Idea Development, Fluency, and Organization Within Writing

Identify Organizational Methods Used By the Writer of a Selection

Paragraphs can be developed in all the ways mentioned on the previous screen: reasons, concrete details, specific examples, facts, statistics, incidents and narratives.

Paragraphs may also use:

  • comparison-contrast,
  • cause and effect,
  • definition, and
  • classification.

These methods are often used in combination to support a main point. If a combination of methods is used, however, it should be used to make the main point clearer.

