Item Scores (1 lowest - 5 highest) |
Communication Scale |
Percentile Score = 35 |
1 | 18. I am comfortable starting conversations with classmates. |
3 | 23. I feel uneasy during group discussions. |
4 | 34. I avoid public speaking whenever possible. |
4 | 45. I feel comfortable speaking up in class discussions. |
3 | 51. I can deal with any discomfort I have when giving presentations in front of a group. |
3 | 59. I can clearly explain my ideas in writing. |
Item Scores (1 lowest - 5 highest) |
Critical Thinking Scale |
Percentile Score = 60 |
3 | 9. When faced with a hard problem, I break it down into smaller, more manageable parts to figure it out. |
3 | 16. I challenge my own beliefs when presented with new information. |
4 | 25. I am careful to verify that information is from a reliable source before accepting it as true. |
4 | 35. I look at an issue from multiple viewpoints to understand it as well as I can. |
5 | 53. I seek out different viewpoints on a topic before I reach a conclusion. |
4 | 63. I often ask questions to clarify why or how something works to make sure I fully understand it. |
Item Scores (1 lowest - 5 highest) |
Effective Learning Strategies Scale |
Percentile Score = 40 |
2 | 6. I have a hard time summarizing the main points of a textbook chapter. |
2 | 12. I usually just memorize facts without thinking about how they fit together. |
4 | 20. I actively try to connect the information I am learning to my own experiences or knowledge. |
3 | 31. After class lectures or group discussions, I summarize the key points of the conversation. |
4 | 49. When taking notes, I struggle to distinguish between key concepts and supporting details. |
4 | 56. I often put reading material into my own words so that I can better understand it. |
Item Scores (1 lowest - 5 highest) |
Focus and Concentration Scale |
Percentile Score = 70 |
2 | 8. I often get sidetracked by minor interruptions while studying and have trouble refocusing on my tasks. |
3 | 14. If I struggle to focus, I know what to do to get myself back on track. |
3 | 27. I struggle to resist distractions like social media or phone notifications while studying. |
4 | 37. I know how to minimize distractions while studying. |
3 | 44. I find myself multitasking (such as watching TV or browsing social media) while studying. |
4 | 66. I often find my mind wandering during assignments. |
Item Scores (1 lowest - 5 highest) |
Growth Mindset Scale |
Percentile Score = 30 |
3 | 7. I tend to dwell on my mistakes and feel discouraged by them. |
3 | 24. I see setbacks in my studies as opportunities to learn and improve. |
3 | 32. I tend to get discouraged when I experience setbacks. |
2 | 39. Challenges excite me. |
3 | 48. Mistakes are a chance to figure out what I need to work on. |
4 | 58. I am optimistic that I can always improve academically. |
Item Scores (1 lowest - 5 highest) |
Persistence Scale |
Percentile Score = 80 |
4 | 3. When study materials are boring, I still put in the effort needed to learn the material. |
5 | 28. Even when I get frustrated, I keep working towards my goals. |
4 | 33. I enjoy the process of working towards a goal, even if it takes time. |
4 | 43. When faced with a bad grade on an assignment, I focus on what I can learn to improve for the next one. |
5 | 50. I am willing to put in the extra effort needed to succeed. |
5 | 57. I try to learn from mistakes I make on assignments. |
Item Scores (1 lowest - 5 highest) |
Seeking Help Scale |
Percentile Score = 65 |
3 | 11. I tend to avoid asking for help when I am struggling with coursework. |
4 | 19. I feel comfortable asking my instructors for help when I am having difficulty in a class. |
4 | 30. I am not afraid to ask for help when I am struggling with a concept or assignment. |
3 | 46. I avoid asking for help because I don’t want to bother anyone. |
2 | 55. I feel comfortable asking my instructor for help outside of class time. |
5 | 64. I take advantage of office hours or other opportunities to get extra help from my instructors. |
Item Scores (1 lowest - 5 highest) |
Sense of Belonging Scale |
Percentile Score = 20 |
2 | 4. I have found people at this school who share my interests. |
2 | 13. I find it difficult to start friendships with other students. |
1 | 21. I feel like I am part of a community at this school. |
3 | 36. I feel like I belong on this campus. |
4 | 41. I feel like I fit in with other students here. |
3 | 65. I feel like I am starting to build a social network at this college. |
Item Scores (1 lowest - 5 highest) |
Stress Management Scale |
Percentile Score = 35 |
3 | 5. I feel overwhelmed by my academic workload. |
2 | 17. I remain calm when faced with challenges because I know how to cope with stress. |
2 | 26. I am confident in my ability to manage stress effectively. |
3 | 40. I worry about disappointing my family with my academic performance. |
3 | 54. During exams, I experience physical symptoms of anxiety, such as a racing heart or sweaty palms. |
3 | 62. I get stressed out easily when things don’t go the way I expected. |
Item Scores (1 lowest - 5 highest) |
Test Preparation Scale |
Percentile Score = 85 |
4 | 1. I tend to wait until the last minute to start studying for exams. |
5 | 10. I take practice tests before an exam when they are available. |
4 | 22. I review my notes regularly to help reinforce my understanding of the material. |
5 | 42. When studying for a test, I have trouble remembering the material. |
4 | 47. I prioritize reviewing and practicing problems to improve my performance on similar questions. |
4 | 61. When studying for an exam, I break down complex topics into smaller, manageable chunks. |
Item Scores (1 lowest - 5 highest) |
Time Management Scale |
Percentile Score = 70 |
3 | 2. I am comfortable with creating a study schedule and sticking to it. |
4 | 15. I study a bit each day instead of trying to learn everything all at once. |
3 | 29. I tend to put off starting assignments until the last moment. |
4 | 38. I dedicate uninterrupted blocks of time for focused studying. |
3 | 52. I use a calendar to schedule academic due dates (such as quizzes, tests, and other important academic events). |
5 | 60. I feel overwhelmed by the amount of work I have to do. |