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Sentence Skills
Standard Use of Verbs
Subject-Verb Agreement
Verb Tense and Consistency
Standard Use of Pronouns
Modifiers - Adverbs, Adjectives, Prepositional Phrases
How Language Varies According to Context
Sentence Structure: Fragments and Run-ons
Standard Use of Punctuation
Standard Use of Capitalization
Standard Use of Capitalization
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DEMONSTRATION ONLY: This demonstration presents an abbreviated version of the complete Accuplacer course. Click 'Next' at the bottom of the screen or make a selection from the links on the left to begin. Not all links are available for the demo.

Recognize and Apply the Standard Use of Verbs

Recognizing Standard Subject-Verb Agreement (Number and Person)

In clauses or sentences, the subject determines the verb form that must accompany it. This is the meaning of "maintaining agreement between subject and verb."

A common difficulty for maintaining agreement between subject and verb is found in sentences in which prepositional phrases appear between the subject and verb. In such instances, it is best not to be distracted by the prepositional phrases.

In the example below, the subject is plural: "Mary and John"

The verb "need" is in agreement. ("needs" is the singular form.)

Mary and John need help with writing.

1) In the sentence below, identify the subject and then select the verb that should be used. Click here when you are finished.

The team, without using substitutes, (is, are) undefeated this season.

2) In the sentence below, identify the subject and then select the verb that should be used. Click here when you are finished.

A couch, three chairs, and two tables (is, are) in the living room.

3) In the sentence below, identify the subject and then select the verb that should be used. Click here when you are finished.

The new gym with its exercise equipment, indoor track, and handball court (fills, fill) a great need in our community.

4) In the sentence below, identify the subject and then select the verb that should be used. Click here when you are finished.

Everyone who loves folk music (wants, want) to attend.

5) In the sentence below, identify the subject and then select the verb that should be used. Click here when you are finished.

The scissors (is broken, are broken).
