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Writing (97)
0007 Standard Use of Verbs
0008 Standard Use of Pronouns
0009 Modifiers - Adverbs, Adjectives, Prepositional Phrases
0010 How Language Varies According to Context
0011 Sentence Structure: Fragments and Run-ons
0012 Standard Use of Punctuation
0013 Standard Use of Capitalization
0014 Standard Use of Spelling
Practice Writing Tests
0015 Prepare a Developed Composition
Guidelines for Passing
Essay Skills
Determine the Purpose for Writing
Formulate a Thesis or Statement of Main Idea
Organize Ideas and Details Effectively
Provide Adequate, Relevant Supporting Material
Use Effective Transitions
Demonstrate a Mature Command of Language
Use a Variety of Sentence Patterns Effectively
Maintain a Consistent Point of View
Practice Writing an Essay

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0015 - Prepare a Developed Composition

Guidelines for Passing

Each essay will be scored on a scale of + to ++++, with ++++ being the best. A score of +++ is a marginal passing score, ++ a marginal fail, and + is a definite failing score. The table below provides guidelines at to how each essay will be scored.

AEPA Writing Score Scale
Score Point Description
A "++++" is a well-formed writing sample that effectively communicates a whole message to the specified audience.
The writer clearly presents a central idea and/or point of view and maintains focus on that topic; the response is well reasoned.
Ideas or points of discussion are logically arranged, and their meaning is clearly communicated.
Generalizations and assertions are well supported with relevant, specific, and detailed development.
Choice of words is precise; usage is careful and accurate.
The writer composes sentences of syntactic complexity and variety and constructs coherent paragraphs, although the response may contain minor flaws in mechanical conventions.
The response completely addresses the topic and uses language and style appropriate for the given audience and purpose.
A "+++" is an adequately formed writing sample that communicates a message to the specified audience.
The writer presents a central idea and/or point of view, and the focus is generally maintained; the response is adequately reasoned.
Organization of ideas is generally clear and effective, and the meaning is generally clear.
Generalizations and assertions are adequately supported, although perhaps unevenly.
Word choice and usage are adequate; some errors exist but do not impede meaning.
The writer's response may have errors in paragraphing, sentence structure, and/or mechanical conventions, but they are neither serious nor frequent enough to distract or confuse the reader.
The response may not fully address the topic (i.e., one of the tasks in the assignment may be neglected or may be vaguely or incompletely addressed), but language and style are appropriate for the given audience and purpose.
A "++" is a partially formed writing sample that attempts to communicate a message to the specified audience.
The writer may state a central idea and/or point of view but loses focus on that idea; the response is simplistically reasoned.
Organization of ideas may be evident, but is largely ineffective, and the response is generally unclear.
Generalizations and assertions are only partially supported; the response may contain irrelevant, insufficient, or imprecise details.
Word choice and usage are generally imprecise and distracting.
The writer's response may have distracting errors in paragraphing, sentence structure, mechanical conventions, and/or dependence upon short, choppy sentences with minimal modification.
The response incompletely addresses most tasks of the assignment and/or inadequately uses language and/or style appropriate for the given audience and purpose.
A "+" is an inadequately formed writing sample that fails to communicate a message to the specified audience.
The writer fails to state and/or to remain focused on a central idea and/or point of view; the response lacks coherence and reason.
Organization of ideas is ineffective and seriously flawed; meaning is unclear throughout.
Generalizations and assertions are not supported or are severely underdeveloped; the presentation of details is confused.
Word choice and usage are largely imprecise, and there are severe distracting errors.
The writer commits serious and numerous errors in paragraphing, sentence structure, and/or mechanical conventions.
The response demonstrates little or no understanding of any of the assignment's tasks; language and style may be inappropriate for audience and purpose.
Blank—no response to the assignment
Response was unrelated to the assigned topic
Response was illegible or inaudible/unintelligible
Response was not primarily in the target language
Response lacked sufficient amount of original work
