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Clear and Coherent Writing
Strong and Developed Writing
Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics
Practice Writing Tests
Prepare an Organized, Developed Composition

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Writing Competencies Tested on the CASA

The CASA Writing subtest consists of a 42 item multiple-choice test and one constructed-response assignment. The skills addressed in this subtest require demonstration of the ability to write effectively at the college level. An outline showing these skill areas and their major sub-skills is shown below.

Objective 0009: Clear and Coherent Writing

  • recognizing writing that is effective for a given purpose, audience, and occasion
  • using strategies that achieve unity and focus in writing
  • selecting effective thesis statements, topic sentences, and supporting details
  • recognizing methods of effectively organizing paragraphs and passages
  • organizing text to give effective emphasis to important words, phrases, and ideas
  • reorganizing sentences or paragraphs to achieve a logical sequence of ideas
  • selecting effective transitions between ideas and using transitions to clarify relationships among ideas

Objective 0010: Strong and Developed Writing

  • editing text to introduce and conclude ideas effectively
  • editing text to coordinate and subordinate ideas effectively
  • editing text to create or improve the parallel structure of words, phrases, or ideas
  • revising text to eliminate distracting or unnecessary information or details
  • revising text to achieve precise and appropriate language
  • revising text to replace imprecise or inappropriate words or phrases
  • revising text to eliminate wordiness and redundancy
  • revising text to eliminate unnecessary shifts in point of view
  • revising text to eliminate misplaced or dangling modifiers, ambiguous or awkward pronoun references, and shifts in tense or mood

Objective 0019: Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics

  • applying knowledge of the standard use of verb forms
  • applying knowledge of the standard use of pronouns
  • applying knowledge of the standard use of adjectives and adverbs
  • applying knowledge of the standard use of prepositions
  • applying knowledge of subject-verb agreement and pronoun-antecedent agreement
  • applying knowledge of the standard use of comparatives, superlatives, and possessives
  • applying knowledge of the rules of spelling and of commonly misspelled words
  • applying knowledge of the rules of capitalization and the standard use of capital letters
  • applying knowledge of the rules of punctuation and the standard use of punctuation marks

Objective 0012: Writing Assignment – Prepare an Organized, Developed Composition

  • analyzing the claims made in a substantive informational text
  • writing arguments to support claims and counterclaims with clear reasons and relevant evidence
  • stating and maintaining focus on key ideas through the use of a clear thesis statement and topic sentences
  • organizing ideas effectively and maintaining a logical sequence of ideas
  • establishing and maintaining a formal style and objective tone
  • providing a conclusion that follows from and supports the argument presented
  • using language and vocabulary that are clear, precise, and appropriate for a given audience and purpose
  • demonstrating command of the conventions of standard English grammar
  • demonstrating command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling