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Writing (002)
Purpose, Audience, Organization, and Development
Understand Problems in Sentence Formation
Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics
Practice Writing Tests
Essay Assignment

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Practice Writing Tests: Directions

The complete Writing Test is not available in this sample. If you would like to see the results page for a completed Writing Test click the link below.

Actual Time Allowed on Test Day: 1 hour and 30 minutes
Number of Questions: Approximately 36 multiple-choice items, 1 written assignment
Format: Multiple-choice questions and constructed-response items
Test Delivery: Computer delivered

The practice writing test includes sample multiple-choice questions that illustrate the types of questions you will see on the actual NMTA EAS writing test.

For each question, select the best answer from the choices given. When you click on your selected answer, the program records your answer and moves immediately to the next question.

When the test is completed, you will be given your score, shown the questions that were missed, and offered an opportunity to see how each question was correctly answered.

Continue to Writing Test

Begin Writing Test A

Begin Writing Test B

Begin Writing Test C

Begin Writing Test D