Practice Reading Tests
The complete Reading Test is not available on this sample. If you would like to see the results page for a completed Reading Test click the link below.
Each practice test contains 50 multiple-choice questions. Reading test questions may refer to a reading passage, chart, diagram, or other supplemental information.
Each page is divided into two parts. The top half of the page allows you to scroll through the passage using the scroll bar on your right. The bottom half shows the question that needs to be answered.
Read each passage carefully and then answer its questions. You may not need to re-read the passage, but it remains available if you need it. When you click on your selected answer, the program will go immediately to the next question. There will be no opportunity to change an answer after you make your choice.
When the test is completed, you will be given your score, shown the questions that were missed, and offered an opportunity to see how each question was correctly answered.
You do not need to complete a practice test in one sitting. You may return to the test at any time and continue working on a partially completed test or review any test that you completed previously.
View Reading Test Results
Begin Reading Test A
Begin Reading Test B
Begin Reading Test C
Begin Reading Test D