Practice Tests + Proven Strategies + Online

Prepare for the Core Academic Skills for Educators tests in Reading (5713), Writing (5723) and Mathematics (5733) with our comprehensive instruction and 12 full-length practice tests. You'll get hands-on experience with different question types that you'll see on test day. In addition, you can view your results after you complete the practice test and get detailed explanations of correct answers to the practice questions. The instruction is flexible, so you can begin working through the material from the beginning covering all sections, or you can navigate to areas of specific need.

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Student studying at computer
Teacher with students in classroom

This program provides

  • 12 full-length practice tests in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics;
  • Easy online practice in a simulated test environment;
  • Authentic test questions that will help get you ready for test day;
  • An optional test timer providing practice in a timed setting;
  • Detailed explanations of correct answers to all practice test questions;
  • Practice test results for each content category so you can focus on areas of specific need;
  • The opportunity to write an Argumentative and/or Informative/Explanatory essay, send them for evaluation, and receive a reply with helpful feedback;
  • Available online 24/7 for one year.

Two Ways to Buy Now

* If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with our program, just notify us within 30 days of your purchase, and we will issue a full refund.


We decided to place the testimonials right where you can find them not only as a thank you to those who have put in their hard work, but also for those of you who have yet to take the Praxis Core and may need some inspiration and/or confirmation. All of the testimonials you see below are from individuals who used our Praxis Core preparation program.

Frequently Asked Questions


General Enquiries

If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with our program, just notify us within 30 days of your purchase, and we will issue a full refund.

Yes, we will reset the practice tests so you can take them again. Just call or send an email with your request.

We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and PayPal.

Yes! You get free phone and email support. We respond to customer requests as quickly as possible (usually within a few hours). If it’s after hours or the weekend, it may be the next day until we can get back with you.

No! You pay one time and have access to our program for one year.

Our expert instructors, who have decades of experience and have taught thousands of students, create our Praxis practice questions and explanations.

No, we do not store credit card information. Credit cards are processed by Click the seal to confirm that we are a verified Authorize.Net merchant.

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Site-License Questions

Absolutely! Staff and faculty from postsecondary institutions may request an unrestricted preview of both the student and instructor sections of our Praxis Core Online Course and Practice Tests program for evaluation purposes.

Your preview is complimentary, carries no obligation, and can be used by you and up to five colleagues or students at your institution. The free preview period may last one to four weeks depending on your needs. Our intention is to provide you with everything you need to make an informed decision leading up to a purchase.

Click here to request a free preview.

The cost of the one-year license is a flat $950. There are no other fees.

That depends on how your college handles purchases. You can place an order a few different ways.

  • Purchase with a credit card through our site. This is the quickest. Within 24 hours of receiving your online order, we’ll email instructions so you and your students can begin using the system. Begin here.

  • Complete our PDF Order Form, send it to your business office, and they should be able to generate a purchase order. If they need an invoice, quote, or a W-9, let us know and we’ll have that sent. We’ll fulfill the order when we receive the PO and then bill your business office. You can mail, call or email the PO.

  • Complete the order form and mail a check. We’ll set up your account within 24 hours of receiving your check.

We usually begin the annual license on the day we receive your order; however, the license can begin on any date you specify. Just indicate the start date when placing an order.

Yes, we have a tiered pricing model that may better suit your needs. You can purchase the program for fewer students at a reduced rate.

Student uses are available for one year from the purchase date. For example, if you purchase 20 Student Uses for $500, 20 students can register to use the program from the date you make the purchase. Once registered, a student will have one complete year to use the program regardless of the date they register.

Yes, we have monitoring tools available to instructors and administrators of the program. Someone on your staff (you, another department head, testing coordinator, certification coordinator, etc.) will have access to the online Administrative Site. Administrators can use this site to view sample test results and individual items missed, download raw data, look up enrolled students, and view the status of your institution’s account.

Students will sign up independently using a School Number and School Key that we provide. All students will use the same School Number and Key to register. Once registered, students will use their email (user name) and password to access the program. You can give students the School Number and Key or have a faculty member register the students. The codes can be changed upon request.

Below are the annual discounted prices for the Praxis Core Online Course and Practice Tests Site License.

Email us at for a quote.

No, we do not automatically renew your license unless you decide to continue using the program. We will send an email reminder a month in advance of the expiration date. At that time you can choose to renew if you like our program.

Don't see your question in this list?
Email us at or call (727) 389-8026 and we would be happy to help!

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Purchase for $950
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