We appreciate that you are considering submitting a product to Longsdale Publishing for possible publication. Follow our guidelines for submitting a prospectus for an online instructional program or assessment (test).
Title of the project
Overview (purpose, rationale, scope)
Target population and audience
Table of contents and outline of project
1-2 completed sections
Competing materials
Title of the test
Overview (purpose, rationale, scope of the test)
Target population and audience
Description of test including:
Reliability and validity information (if available)
Administration and scoring procedures
Samples of test's materials
Competing materials
When submitting assessment materials to be reviewed, the availability of initial item and validity analysis is helpful but not necessary. We can work with you to design a pilot study, recruit pilot participants, refine items, and perform additional psychometric analysis.
Upon receipt of these materials, we will review your proposal carefully and then decide if it fits with the line of products that Longsdale Publishing publishes. As soon as our initial review is complete, we will notify you of our decision regarding possible publication. This process should take 1-2 weeks upon receipt of materials. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call.
Send your prospectus and all materials to:
Longsdale Publishing
1043 Maravista Drive
Trinity, FL 34655