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0007 Establishing and Maintaining Theme or Main Idea
0008 Sentence Construction, Grammar, and Usage
0009 Spelling, Capitalization, and Punctuation
Practice Writing Tests
0010 Analyzing and Revising Sentences
0011 Prepare an Effective Summary
Guidelines for Passing
Process and Hints to Summary Writing
0012 Prepare an Organized, Developed Composition

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0011 Demonstrate the Ability to Prepare An Effective Summary

The Writing Summary section of the Writing subtest presents a passage for you to summarize in your own words. A summary response of approximately 150-250 words is required.

Your summary should effectively communicate the main idea and essential points of the passage. You are expected to identify the relevant information and communicate it clearly and concisely in your own words.

On the actual MTEL writing subtest, your summary will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

Fidelity: Fidelity is the accuracy and clarity with which the response uses your own words to convey and maintain focus on the writer's main ideas.

Conciseness is the extent to which the response is of appropriate length, depth, and specificity to convey the writer's main ideas.

Organization: Organization is the clarity of the writing and the logical sequence of ideas.
Sentence Structure: The effectiveness of the sentence structure and the extent to which the sentences are free of structural errors.
Usage: The extent to which the response shows care and precision in word choice and is free of usage errors.
Mechanical Conventions: The extent to which words are spelled correctly and the response follows the conventions of punctuation and capitalization.

The final version of your summary should conform to the conventions of edited American English, should be written legibly, and should be your own original work.