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Meaning of Words and Phrases
Main Idea and Supporting Details
Purpose, Point of View, and Intended Meaning
Analyze the Relationship Among Ideas
Critical Reasoning Skills
Identifying Explicit and Implicit Main Ideas
Judging the Relevance of Facts and Examples
Logic of Argument and Validity of Analogies
Fact and Opinion
Credibility, Objectivity/Subjectivity, or Bias
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Use Critical Reasoning Skills to Evaluate Written Material

Evaluating the Stated or Implied Assumptions on which the Validity of a Writer's Argument Depends

Something is not necessarily true just because it is in print. Critical reasoning is thinking for yourself. To do that you must question the writer’s assumptions and decide for yourself if an effective argument has been made. Writers sometimes state their assumptions, but often they do not, so the reader has to determine them. You must decide for yourself if the strengths of the argument outweigh the weaknesses. Your ability to do this will depend on your ability to use the following five subskills effectively.