Reading Competencies Tested on the MTTC
The MTTC Reading Test contains six general objectives which define the knowledge and skills that Michigan educators and teacher educators have determined to be important for educators to possess. Each objective is expanded upon by descriptive statements. Descriptive statements provide examples of the range, type, and level of content that may appear on the test for questions measuring the objective.
An outline showing these objective and descriptive statements is shown below.
Determine the Meaning of Words and Phrases
- Using the Context of a Passage to Determine the Meaning of Words with Multiple Meanings, Unfamiliar and Uncommon Words and Phrases, and Figurative Expressions
Understand the Main Idea and Supporting Details in Written Material
- Identifying Explicit and Implicit Main Ideas
- Recognizing Ideas that Support, illustrate, or Elaborate the Main Idea of a Passage
Identify a Writer's Purpose, Point of View, and Intended Meaning
- Recognizing a Writer's Expressed or Implied Purpose for Writing
- Evaluating the Appropriateness of Written Material for Various Purposes or Audiences
- Recognizing the Likely Effect of a Writer's Choice of Words on an Audience
- Using the Content, Word Choice, and Phrasing of a Passage to Determine a Writer's Opinion or Point of View
Analyze the Relationship Among Ideas in Written Material
- Identifying the Sequence of Events or Steps
- Identifying Cause-Effect Relationships
- Analyzing Relationships Between Ideas in Opposition
- Identifying Solutions to Problems
- Drawing Conclusions Inductively and Deductively from Information Stated or Implied in a Passage
Use Critical Reasoning Skills to Evaluate Written Material
- Evaluating the Stated or Implied Assumptions on which the Validity of a Writer's Argument Depends
- Judging the Relevance or Importance of Facts, Examples, or Graphic Data to a Writer's Argument
- Evaluating the Logic of a Writer's Argument
- Evaluating the Validity of Analogies
- Distinguishing Between Fact and Opinion
- Assessing the Credibility or Objectivity of the Writer or Source of Written Material
Apply Study Skills to Reading Assignments
- Organizing and Summarizing Information for Study Purposes
- Following Written Instructions or Directions
- Interpreting Information Presented in Charts, Graphs, or Tables