The menu tabs at the top of the screen provide access to the following features:
- Home: A quick overview of the dashboard and its functionalities.
- SLA Records: Access detailed reports for individual students, including:
- SLA Student Report: View individual student scores, scale interpretations, and personalized recommendations.
- Item Responses: Review student(s) responses to all SLA items.
- Pre- and Post-Test Comparison (for students who have taken the assessment twice): Compare student(s) responses on the pre- and post-tests side-by-side.
- SLA Student Report: View individual student scores, scale interpretations, and personalized recommendations.
- Post-Test Codes: Search for post-test codes for each student who has taken the SLA pre-test. A Post-Test Code is required to take the post-test.
- Raw Data: Download an Excel or SPSS file containing your group’s raw data, including student names, email addresses, post-test codes, administration date and time, 11 scale and raw scores, and individual item responses.
- Account Status: View the number of administrations remaining in your account.
- Logout: Sign out of the dashboard.
SLA User’s Manual
The SLA User’s Manual includes a history of the assessment’s development, a complete description of the 11 key learning areas, a section on administration and scoring, results of pilot and field testing, and the process used in scale construction.
Need More Administrations?
To order additional administrations or request a quote, please visit our online store, call us at (727) 389-8026, or send us an email. When reordering, note your Group Number (######) so we can update your account.
After exploring the features of the Administrative Dashboard,
select the “Conclude SLA Demonstration” button for additional resources.