The records shown below are for demonstration purposes only.

Post-Test Codes

The report shows the Post-Test Codes for each student who has taken the pre-test of the SLA. A Post-Test Code is required to take the post-test. If no Post-Test Code is shown next to a student name, the student has already taken a post-test.

Displaying records 1 - 9 of 9 total records.

Sample University
Group Number: #####
Name Email Post-Test Code Test Date
MacLeod, Kai kai.macleod@college.edu  Ma78d9K 01/18/25
Mackay, Tiana tiana.mackay@college.edu  ** 02/05/25
Ferguson, Caleb caleb.ferguson@college.edu  Fe26n24J 02/08/25
Davies, Demetrius demetrius.davies@college.edu  Da95s2D 02/01/25
Turner, Dylan dylan.turner@college.edu  ** 05/05/25
Peters, Jarel jarel.peters@college.edu  Pe17s33J 08/29/25
Lee, Jada jada.lee@college.edu  Le29e23J 08/15/25
Sanderson, Rachel rachel.sanderson@college.edu  Sa47n76R 10/25/25
Jackson, Jamila jamila.jackson@college.edu  Ja58n62W 11/26/25
**Note: Individual has already used a Post-Test Code to take a post-test.